Jaw Fracture Surgery

Our comprehensive jaw fracture surgical treatments are designed to provide life-changing solutions for individuals affected by these traumatic injuries. By combining advanced surgical techniques with compassionate care, we aim to restore not only physical form but also confidence and functionality, empowering individuals to embrace a brighter future.


Understanding Jaw Fracture Surgery

Jaw Fracture Surgery

Jaw fracture surgery involves the precise realignment and stabilization of the broken jaw, ensuring proper healing and function. Our specialized procedures are tailored to each patient's unique needs, utilizing advanced surgical techniques to address these complex conditions with precision and expertise.

Benefits of Jaw Fracture Surgery

Jaw Fracture Surgery

Our jaw fracture surgical treatments offer a multitude of benefits, including restored facial symmetry, improved oral function, and enhanced confidence. By addressing these traumatic injuries with specialized surgery, individuals can experience improved comfort and overall quality of life, allowing them to regain facial harmony and functionality


Restore confidence and oral health with
skill and compassion

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Types of Jaw Fracture Surgical Treatments


Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF): Surgical realignment and stabilization of the fractured jaw using specialized hardware for optimal healing.

Closed Reduction: Non-surgical realignment of the fractured jaw through manual manipulation and immobilization.

Wiring and Banding: Wiring or bands are applied to stabilize the jaw during the healing process.

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Surgery may involve realignment of the fractured bones and fixation with plates, screws, or wires.

Scarring is minimal and often well hidden within the mouth or along the jawline.

Yes, surgery aims to restore both function and appearance by realigning the fractured bones.

What Our Patients Say


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